
Thursday 1 November 2012

Halloween and Situational Judgement - free promo codes for apps

Don't be afraid, but be fast as there are 10 free promo codes to give away for iPhone and another 10 for iPad, so that you can practice the Situational Judgement tests and share it with your peers ;)

Give us a like on our social page and you will receive 1 free code of your choice!!!

Saturday 6 October 2012

Situational Judgement Tests version 1 it's now available in the App Store

Start practicing situational judgement on your iPhone/iPad. Check print-screens and go and grab them:

iPhone and iPad

This application is the best way to practice SJTs anytime and anywhere on your iPhone because of the its characteristics:
  • 4 competencies tested: Analysis and Problem Solving, Delivering Quality and Results, Prioritizing and Organizing and Resilience;
  • NO adds/commercials;
  • NO Internet connection is required;
  • NO expiration limit/date for the tests;
  • there are 5 tests included in the package with 60 questions in total;
  • solutions and explanations are included for all questions;
  • In-App purchase available: competencies and skills analysis based on your tests' scores.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sample answer for a Situational Judgement question

For the situation described in the sample question, the competency tested is Analysis and Problem Solving, but this is not explained to the candidate!

The best and worst cases are designated in relation to this competency and its specific method tested (for this question is Expert Knowledge). The answers are:

Best: B - your colleague should be the person most knowledgeable in the field and before anything you should take the chance to discuss with him the key issues.
Worst: A – you will avoid responsibilities and miss the opportunity to learn the file.
Option C – this could work; but you risk to miss something due to fatigue and also you will lose the opportunity to review the key issues with the expert.
Option D – this can be done after you first meet with the expert; your manager should be familiar with the file but cannot give you all the key insights.

In order to succeed continue to practice more questions with the iPhone and iPad app.

Sample question Situational Judgement

Situational Judgement questions present a possible working scenario, a professional situation, and proposes 4 ways of actions. The candidate has to indicate the most and least appropiate alternative.

In order to correctly approach these questions, the candidate needs first to identify the competency being evaluated and afterwards to analyse the given alternatives from the competency perspective. 

As an extra detail, our questions not only test a specific competency, but also a specific skill/technique/practice linked to the competency.

Sample question:

You begin in a new job and you receive a complex file to study: long emails, complicated reports and archived files. The former colleague in charge of the file will leave tomorrow and you have to prepare an important presentation on the subject by the end of the week. This presentation cannot be postponed. What are you going to do?
a)     Reuse one of the previous presentations made by your colleague;
b)     Ask your colleague for a meeting before leaving to help you in structuring the data and identifying the key issues;
c)     Work over-time in order to read the materials and write a comprehensive presentation;
d)     Extract key issues from the materials, structure them in the presentation, and ask your manager for a review before presenting it.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Situational Judgement for Specialist profile

For the SPECIALIST profile the core competencies evaluated in our SJ tests are the following: 

Analysis and Problem Solving
the ability to identify critical facts in complex issues and develop creative and practical solutions.

Delivering Quality and Results
the candidate can take personal responsibility and initiative for delivering work to a high standard of quality within the work rules and procedures.

Prioritizing and Organizing
the candidate can prioritise the most important tasks, works flexibly and organizes own workload efficiently.

the capacity to remain effective under a heavy workload, to handle organisational frustrations positively and to adapt to a changing work environment.

PS: the competencies are compatible with the ones evaluated by EU Careers (European Personal Selection Office).

What are the Situational Judgement tests (SJT)

Such tests are multi-dimensional as they measure the practical work related intelligence, social and behavioral judgement, involving also aspects of candidate personality. The tests aims to predict the candidate behaviour in the future based on the similar situations experienced in the past.

Being psychometric tests, SJT are constructed based on a set of competencies that are considered critical for achieving good performance in the specific job. 

Each question presents a work related scenario, gives you 4 seemingly equally viable alternatives/actions and asks to choose the MOST and the LEAST appropriate in the candidate opinion.